What is your name? Baker,(pause)Cole Baker is the answer in a Bond, James Bond sort of manner.
I have posted in the past that Cole-man would not say his own name. Well now he does and it is a Bond like manner.
He has seemingly always been able to call everyone by name, even answering what is your Granny's name with Marcia, what is your Nana's name with a broken Barbra. And the name he seems to like to answer with the most, what is your Papaw's name.
He surprised me this past weekend as we were asking about different names from the Thomas characters to Cars to his new love, Toy Story. After a few questions of what is his name running from Woody, Buzz and Rex, Cole ask me, "What is Papaw's name?"
Followed by a "Kirk" and then a big smile and look of accomplishment. He returned to asking and answering "what is Papaw's name?" Everytime with a big smile as he said with voracity and perfect enunciation, "Kirk".
Cole and Erin were here with us for Saturday a week ago when we had a visit from our oldest Grandson, Andrew. Erin and Cole were both glad to see him and their Uncle Ben as were Marcia and I. Erin, Andrew and I made plans for a fishing trip on his next visit.
Back to Cole. He is one perpetual motion machine. He loves to play and he loves to "read" his books. He almost has a book in his hand unless he is swinging in beloved swing on the carport. He has pretty much memorized his three Thomas books and his Toy Story book. He intently listens so he can chime in on the words he loves to say.
Top Hat aka Sir Topham Hat has long been in his vocabulary. Top Hat is all he would say when ever the character appears in the video or on the pages of his book. Well, now he is pronouncing it "Topham Hat" still no Sir but a well enunciated Topham Hat.
Now back to that swing. Cole loves to be pushed as high as the swing will go. Mostly I give him a few good pushes then sit down in the rocker and give him a boosting push as his arcs become shorter and shorter. No longer will that do. As I sat down in the rocker from swinging him, he shouts "get up Pappy, stand up Pappy". All this in one sentence. Well I had to get up and send him sailing again. As I headed for the rocker Cole shouts again, "No, Pappy standup, push me".
You have to really understand how much a leap in communication this is for Cole and me. So, I jump up and push again. This time I sit down even though I am being commanded to "stand and deliver" so to say. I explain that Pappy is hot and tired and I will push him while seated.
Cole allows me to push him one time from the seated position then declares "I want down, Pappy". Which is not new and so I rise to slow the swing and release him from the safety straps. Well, Cole looks me in the eye and says," I want to swing, push me".
Cole has become devious, he has baited his poor Pappy. He has learned how to get me out of the chair and receive the push that will send him arcing high into the air back and forth in his swing... I guess I am an easy mark, you think.
I wish you could all have a visit from Cole-Man. I hope that some will visit him at his golf tournment Friday, September 30th at 1:00 pm at the Francis Lake Golf Club
in Lake Park. You can contact Cole's dad Chris about the Tournament here chris@redoxchem.com.
Thanks for indulging a doating grandfather and thanks for your support.
Thanks for sharing. Cole is lucky to have you in his life. Each and every word is a gift. My son is 2 1/2 and only says a few words from time to time. I cherish each one. My son also loves to swing. I expect he will play tricks on us too in the coming years.