Friday, October 22, 2010

As you can see by the photos, Cole-man may well find the cure himself. The little fellow has been to the doctor's office so much he knows the routines. Funniest thing is to see him blow on that stethoscope before he puts it on your chest. Just like a good doctor does.

He is spending the week with his Nana and Papaw this week. So we want get to see him.

He has a cat now. Brandi can't keep the cat out of the house for Cole hauling him in. He calls his kitty. Which is a new word and a good association. Those are all good signs.

His motor skills are good and he certainly can work the DVD player. Wears me out picking him up to change those THOMAS dvds.

Got an email from Fraxa today. They have three drugs that are already licensed for other uses that are showing promising signs in tests. Several large pharma companies are working on new drugs as well.

Things are going well on the drive to raise the $500,000 for the DORIS BUFFETT SUNSHINE LADY CHALLENGE in which Ms. Buffett will match with another $500,000.

Doris Buffett is the sister of Warren Buffett the multi-billionaire. She give grants and funding to many charities and research projects.

Check it out if you get a chance.

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